Monday, May 19, 2008

Finished Pieces

This top card is the fanciest one I put together. It was too plain with just the French Script image stamped in black

Image attached: Friendship Blooms Sell A Bration set
Image stamped in Brilliant Blue

I used my cropodile to punch the hole for the eyelet. I forgot to mark the center first so it's off center.

Card piece is Brilliant Blue. Layered piece is Barely Banana

Layer piece is Taken with Teal

Card piece is Certainly Celery

Layered piece is Orchid Opulence.

Card piece is Purely Pomegranate

Layered piece is So Saffron

Card piece is Taken with Teal

Layered piece is Taken with Teal

Card piece is either Barely Banana or So Saffron.

I think it's So Saffron

Layered piece is Pumpkin Pie

Card piece is Appricot Appeal

The butterfly piece is one that program kept turning sideways so I didn't put it on my last post.

Layer piece is Purely Pomegranate

Card piece is Orchid Opulence

On this piece I stamped the images where there were darker color spots

More Stamped Pieces

For some reason this program is turning most of my photos 90 degrees without my asking it to. (I wouldn't even know how to ask it to.)

Image All Natural SU stamped in Teal

But here are some more pieces that I stamped.

Toile Blossoms Set SU retired

Image stamped in Purely Pomegranate

Wonderful Wings SU retired

Image stamped in black

Stamped Polished Stone Pieces

These images on these two pieces are from the Delight in Life set which was from a past Sell a Bration event.

The top one is stamped in Purely Pomegranate, I beleive. I don't remember the color I used on the lower one.

This image is from SU's Wonderful Wings set which has been retired for a while now.

I made another of the trifold pocket card using another color from the designer prints series by SU.

This one had to be simpler because my daughter is in prison and there are restrictions on the kind of mail she receives.

I thought she would enjoy this card as it is pretty and without layers.

The lower photo shows the card with the insert on which I wrote my message to her.

This card design can also be used as a small gift with candy or anything small that would fit.

I promised last time to upload a photo that shows the inside of this trifold pocket card without the insert.

The paper is SU's Designer Prints Rose Red paper. It is a double sided decorative paper that can be used for all kinds of projects including scrapbooking.

This designer paper is available in several colors.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Art Journal part 2

I was getting pretty frustrated with the way this program posts the photos. I accidentally deleted some of the photos more than once while trying to delete the extra spaces the program kept putting into my post and while trying to rearrange my text. So here goes on part 2....

Above is a photo of the front cover again.

Here's the inside front cover. The back cover looks pretty much the same.

You can see that I wrapped the designer paper over the edges then covered up the middle with different paper.

I added a new first page using certaily celery cs.

  • This last photo shows the back cover.

  • It was a pretty easy project to do. I absolutely love some of the papers they designed for the Cutie Pie set. I have seen so many beautiful projects done with those papers.

I enjoy collecting ideas for stamp sets and for ways to use the designer papers and scrapping kits. Often I copy the project exactly, sometimes I use those as jumping off points to create my own projects.

5 x 5 On Board Art Journal

I don't even know when I ordered this journal.

I have the larger one that I just stamped images on the front of and inside of it because I was too nervous about covering it.

With the helpful guidance of my SU demonstrator I understood that I needed to create an oversize pattern using the spiral punch to create a covering out of paper.

This paper is SU's Cutie Pie. I used Modge Podge to adhere it to the cover piece.

Pocket Card

This is a card challenge that I think I found on Split Coast.

The paper is from SU's Designer Prints series of paper.

It is double sided paper and this one is rose red.

I forgot to take a photo of the pocket card without the card in it. The other side of the paper is striped.

I'll take another photo and add it at the bottom.

I used the paper piercer, guide, and mat from my SU Crafter's Tool Kit to create a line of holes at the top and bottom of the band. It's not a technique I've done much of but it came out nice.

The band is Certainly Celery CS.

I used part of the image from the Happiness stamp to put images of flowers on the band.

I would have used Certainly Celery ink but my pad is too dry so I used the Versa Mark pen instead.

The flowers are from Friendship Blooms set which was available during Sell A Bration this year.

I used the tab punch twice. I punched a piece of the pink CS (I forgot which color just now) and another one out of the prints paper and covered the pink piece.

I have the Table Top Paper Cutter from SU and used it to cut the narrow strips of Certainly Celery.

If you look carefully enough you'll see that I also stamped the large flower image on the pink paper using that same color of ink.

For the green trim at the top of the card I used a pair of decorative scissors. I was originally only going to have a little piece at the top that showed the cut of the decorative scissors. However, I wasn't sure from the instructions to make the card if it is supposed to be adhered shut or not.

I decided not to adhere it permanently shut. Because I figured it would be opened completely I decided to use line the flaps with the certainly celery cs and have the decorative cut showing.

Again the tutorial for this project is on the Split Coast Stampers web site.

I've been referencing the Split Coast Stampers web site quite a bit.

I had been to the web site back when it was much smaller and to me it wasn't that impressive. At my workshop I hosted in February one of the guests was saying how great it was. So I went to check it out.

If you are a stamper or into scrapbooking it is the place to go to. If you have a lot of Stampin Up sets this site is really great because you can look up any set that's been in any of their catalogs and you will find ideas.

There are all kinds of tutorial and project techniques on the site on the gallery page and on the resources page, as well as other nifty and cool things in the forums section. That's where I found the one sheet wonder instructions.

The ideas on the site are not limited to Stampin Up as there are a lot of people who use images from other companies too.

I have yet to post any of my projects but will be doing that really soon.

Creating Background Paper with Shaving Cream

On Friday when my girl friends were over we played with shaving cream and re-inkers.

We did far more pieces than I have here but these are some samples of what we ended up with.

I have the tray set from Stampin Up and used the larger tray to spray the shaving cream into.

We used a table knife and a spatula as well as some rag towels to clean the stuff off of the paper.

This is a really messy project. If you want to try it for yourself make sure you have old clothes on that you don't care if they get stained up with the ink.

Here in the first photo we started with orange ink. It didn't take long to look like a huge orange cremesicle.

The orange was looking too plain so we added some drops of Purely Pomegranate ink.

We used dye re-inkers which SU calls Classic Ink

After a while that had gotten pretty mixed in so we added some drops of Chocolate Chip ink.

By the time I did this sheet the orange had begun to turn into a washed out sick sort of pink.

As we continued to add color now and then some strong color would show up when we thought there wasn't much left.

After a bit we added in more orange in an attempt to counter act the sick pink.

Then we added some drops of Garden Green ink.

I thought it would be really interesting if we each took one sheet of paper that we created a background on and used it to make a one sheet wonder set of cards from.

When we were doing this the shaving cream sure added some smell to the living areas of my home. At times it was a bit over powering.

Split Coast Stampers probably has a tutorial on how to do this technique.

My friend Emilly is planning to use hers with SU's Safari stamp set. A couple of weeks ago she did a one sheet wonder with images from that set and a nice looking African tree stamp she had from another company. She didn't get 10 cards out of it because of the choices she made when cutting up the sheet but she did get 6 or 7 out of one sheet of paper.

Polished Stone Technique

This is a card I made a long time ago.

I used the polished stone technique to creae the background for the trees.

The trees image is from SU's Lovely as a Tree set. It's a favorite of many stampers and so versatile.

The phrase is from SU's Botanicals set which has been retired for some time now.

Split Coast Stampers website has the tutorial for the polished stone technique.

This technique requires glossy cardstock.

If you've taken a look at my previous posts you will see that I do have a lot of Stampin Up stamp sets, cardstock, and accessories. I've been a customer for many years. Their products are high quality and I especially enjoy using their colors because they coordinate so well together.

I've been stamping for over 10 years and I had been stamping for several years before I ever heard of Stampin Up. I was invited to a workshop/party, whatever you want to call it and the rest is history.

Prior to that I was buying cardstock at a local discount craft store and at an even more local stamping store. I learned one day that not all pinks will go together. I was working on a project and wanted two pinks together but the ones I had did not coordinate at all. That was before I ever heard of SU.

Admittedly I don't use all of their products as there are some things I can get locally and save the shipping and handling. But that give me more money to spend on the other stuff.

I am a very loyal to SU but I do own stamps and some products from other companies too as you can tell by the stamping links. However, because I have so many SU sets those are the ones I tend to reach for first.

Emilly's cards

My friend Emilly popped over yesterday afternoon to make these spinner cards. She saw the tutorial on Split Coast Stampers and wanted to give it a try. She will be sending these off shortly to people she knows and cares about.

Photo Wallet

I enjoy making cards but I also enjoy making other kinds of projects too. There are so many ideas out there.

Here's a big shout out and thank you to all of those creative people out there who come up with these projects and provide the instructions for the rest of us.


For some reason I enjoy making mini books and mini albums. They are so much fun.

I take pleasure in making these things myself.

This is a project I found as a tutorial on Split Coast Stampers web site.

Since I didn't have the stamp set that was shown in the tutorial I decided to use what colors I had and a different stamp set.

The cardstock I used for the main body of this project is SU's Elegant Eggplant.

The flowers on the band are from the Delight in Life set by SU from 2007 Sale A Bration

I don't remember which pink (Pixie Pink ?? but I'm not sure) I used for the flowers but the green is Mellow Moss or it could be Always Artichoke but I'm not sure.

The image stamped on the green CS is the same image as the flowers. I positioned the green "leaves" cut out pieces behind the flowers so they are just peeking out from under.

You might notice that only the top flower has a smaller punched flower in the middle. The other two are plain stamped and cut out images.

I apologize for the very fuzzy photo. My camera wouldn't focus in very well.

I took this photo to show that I did stamp on the Eggplant cardstock. I used the leaves image from Touch of Nature (SU).

I used that same image on the green part of the band in Mellow Moss.

This image shows the mini album only partly open.

The images on the white CS are from Delight in Life.

It's almost impossible to see but the leaves image from A Touch of Nature is stamped several times on both the green and the pink pieces in ink that matches the CS color.

That is one of the reasons I am such a loyal Stampin Up customer. Their colors coordinate so well together.

This is the photo wallet completely open.

Here is a detail photo showing there are leaves stamped on the green piece of CS.

Again I apologize for the fuzzy photo.

This was a fun project to make that didn't take very long to do. Although when I started working on it I had a migraine so I didn't finish it in one sitting.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Booklet of Scripture

This is a project that was inspired by

I didn't have pre-made tags so I cut my own. I used the library stamp image from SU's Stamp of Authenticity set to determine the size to cut the cardstock for each page.

The last page was the first one I stamped. (Keep reading to find out why.)

Besides the cover, mine had 11 pages with the last one using the library card image from SU's Stamp of Authenticity set.

The cardstock is vanilla sponged very lightly with Apricot Appeal.

The words along the bottom came from Wonderful Words, Wonderful Words II, Graceful Words and a couple of other sets from Stampin Up.

The flower images came from the Office Accoutrement set and were stamped in Rose Red using first, second, third, and even fourth generation images.

I used the scraptitude web site (see links to stamping favorites) to figure out what colors to use that would coordinate with Rose Red so the words along the bottom are stamped in different colors and I used the SU Stamp n Write pen of that color and two other coordinating colors to write the verses with.

The original on Split Coast Stampers had a ring through it. I decided to just use a piece of ribbon tied and left it long enough for the pages to be flipped. (The ribbon is visible in the first photo.)

I hand wrote Bible verses on each page both front and back that pertained to the word or phrase that I had stamped at the bottom of each page.

I left the back of each page undecorated so it only had the verses on it.

I gave it as a gift to my Pastor's wife. She took it apart and covered it with contact paper so she could carry it in her purse and it would be protected.

If you compare this one to the original I think the origingal was probably larger than mine.

If I had planned it better I could have typed the verses into the computer and printed them out on the cardstock first then I could have decorated it.

When I started the project I was only making it because it used Stamp of Authenticity set and I had just gotten it so I wanted to use it.

After I had already cut the cardstock into the tag shape and used the library card image from that set on one page, I realized that I wanted mine to be different because I didn't want that image on every page.

So I thought about it for a while and came up with the idea of giving it as a gift to my Pastor's wife. That's where the words written in script came from and so that determined which words I would use. It took some time spent with my Strong's Concordance to find verses to write on the pages for the different topics. It also took some time to print the Bible verses by hand .

The last page with the library card image on it has the month and year I made it my name and my Pastor's wife's name which is why I didn't include a photo of that page.

My pastor's wife really appreciated this project as a gift. I had fun making it.

I can't find the paper I wrote the scripture references on. If I find them again I'll add it to this post later.

I found the piece of paper....I do want to add that although these are the ones I picked out there wasn't room to write all of them on that card but these are the ones I chose from....

forever - John 3:16; 5:39; 6:68; 10:28; 17:3

love- John 13:34: 15:12&13; Matthew 22:37 & 39; Rom 5:8; Hebrews 10:24

faith - Luke 17:5 &6; John 14:1; 20:31; Eph 2:8; Philippians 3:9; Hebrews 11:1 & 3; I John 5:4

hope - Psalm 16:9; 31:24; 33:18; 42:11; 71:5; 119:114; 130:5

peace - John 14:27; Rom 5:1; 14:19; Gal 5:22 & 23; Phil 4:7; Col 3:15

grace - John 1:14; romans 5:17; II Corinthians 8:9; 9:8; Heb 4:16; James 4:6; I Peter 5:5

blessings - Beattitudes Matt 5:3-10; Psalm 1:1

rejoice - Psalm 5:11; 9:2; 32:11; 40:16; 95:1; John 15:11; 16:24; Philippians 4:4

thank you - Psalm 92:1; 95:2; 100:4; 105:1; Ephesians 5:20; I Thess 5:18;

celebrate life - Matt 7:14; Luke 9:24; John 1:4; 6:35; 10:10; 14:6

praying for you - II Chron 7:14; Psalm 5:3; Phil 4:6; I Thess 5:17; I Tim 2:1 & 2; James 5:16

Mini Scrapbook

This project is not my original idea. I had done a similar project under the guidance of my Stampin up demonstrator using an SU Simply Scrappin Kit. That project was designed for the A-6 sized envelopes.

I re-designed this one for the A-7 size envelopes because the photos I planned to use are 4"x6".

This first photo shows the project closed. As you can probably tell one flap overlaps the other. I obviously chose to keep it closed with a ribbon.

This photo shows the mini scrapbook completely open.

I used coordinating card stock, rubber stamps, coordinating ink, and punches to decorate the album.

These two photos show the decorations I used in detail.

This is the top envelope the other ones are stacked directly underneath the top one.

You can also see the cardstock I mounted the photo on and I used a tab punch to make it easier to slide the photos out of the envelopes.

This is a photo of my family monted on cardstock.

The back piece is 5"x7". There isn't much space around the photo for doing a lot of journaling.

I made 3 different ones for family and friends.

For some of them I ended up mounting photos on both sides of the 5x7 cardstock.

It was a really fun project to do and will post the tutorial soon with step by step photos.

Friday, May 2, 2008

My last post for today.....

This definitely takes some getting used to. I'm starting to get the hang of how the images I upload go onto the web site.

The top card from my last post was one I designed on my own. It's also a project that proves that no scrap is too small. I had punched small holes in various pieces of colored cardstock using a regular hand held punch. I ended up with the dots you see on the card front. I used a 2 Way Glue Pen to attach the dots to the paper. It was a bit tedious as they kept flipping over as I tried to position them. The square frame pieces came from card stock that I was using up with my punches by pre-punching pieces for using in the future. First puch the larger image, here a square. Then take the square piece and punch with a smaller square punch. The same can be done with any two punches of the same shape but different sizes.

I wanted to post some more photos of projects. I'm not sure of the placement of each compared to my comments. So for the moment I'll refrain from commenting on each project and just let the photos speak for themselves. Most of the ideas for these cards were again copied from other people's ideas. I don't remember where I got the ideas from so I can't give credit.
Okay so the pictures didn't go up like they showed before I posted them so, hopefully my comments make sense. I'll just have to remember to only do one photo per post until I figure out how to make it work like I've seen on other blogs.

Both of these cards I made last fall. The designs are not my original idea. I copied someone else's ideas.
However the one on the left is a little different in the images on the white cardstock. The original I copied from I think had images from the Stampin Up Polka Dots and Petals set. Iused what images I could find that I already had that came close. The same goes for the images on the turquoise cardstock.
The card on the right is very close to the original that I copied from.
I really like the Office Accoutrement set. I also really like the tab punch. I'm constantly looking for ideas where I can use the tab punch. The size of both cards is the A-6 size aka the quarter sheet card size. I also really like the spiral punch and am always on the look out for new ideas to use it.